Lade Veranstaltungen

This course will allow different medical specialists to share their knowledge about sarcoidosis and give the attendees an excellent opportunity to ask medical experts organ-specific questions regarding sarcoidosis.

Knowledge the audience will gain by attending the course.

  • Essential information on disease immunology and aetiology
  • Diagnostic tools and pathways
  • When and to which specialist refer the patient
  • Treatment of severe and organ threatening disease
  • Potential novel therapeutic approaches
  • Quality of life in patients with sarcoidosis


  • Sarcoidosis – key features for clinicians
  • Diagnostic tools in sarcoidosis
  • Systemic manifestations of sarcoidosis
  • Treatment of life-threatening sarcoidosis
  • Treatment of sarcoidosis: what the future holds
  • Patient point of view and quality of life

A CME application has been made to the  European Board for Accreditation in Pneumology (EBAP). The number of credits that you will receive corresponds to your attendance during the onsite course. Please note that you need to sign the register of attendance each day to ensure that you receive the CME credits.

Course format

  • Lectures
  • Interactive workshops
  • Case-based sessions
  • Q&A discussion sessions
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